National and international dissemination of Project and itsresults is achieved through the WEB site; it is designed with specific areas dedicated to individual topics addressed in order to be a window languages (Italian, French and English) and informative information on project objectives and planned actions.
The website has "portal" architecture with sections for the dissemination and publication of news sources and sections aimed at interactivity with the project partners, stakeholders and accredited users.
There are several areas of navigation, summarized it:
- the area in which the project is described in detail with general goals, specific objectives, means and instruments used, actions taken for the protection and enhancement of species and sites concerned will also be displayed reports and publications related to various actions and in progress.
- the area reserved for ftp access-controlled database that serves as the state of progress of the work (in terms of financial commitment) whose compilation will be done by each beneficiary in charge, this section is reserved only accessible to partners and provides a framework continuous state of the art of LIFE.
- the interactive area that allows, through an educational, to target the younger audience to interact through a ludic education that gives information on the species, the habitat, the Natura 2000 network and the Life + instrument, the importance of conserving biodiversity.
- The news area of the project, which promptly disclose the state of progress of the same and useful.
The site lists and provides specific links to Partners, to Ministry of the Environment, EU, IUCN, LIFE+ and Natura 2000 network, as well as other specialized sites and / or dissemination of interest to the greater awareness of the user on the objectives and results of the LIFE.
The action led by LA, will begin at the start of the project and the site will be online no later than 5 months after.