Action D6 Network for Zelkova sicula conservation actions sharing

Il Tavolo Tecnico durante il Primo incontro di Network

The prevailing means for scientific dissemination activities is represented by a network of institutions involving all government, research institutions, non-governative organizations and others stakeholders.

The network meetings will be conducted with regional universities
departments, research centers specialized in forestry and local environmental, local government, agriculture technical high schools, environmental organizations and with national institutions (Ministry of Environment), all in order to compensate for the lack of knowledge of issues related to the species.

The Network is designed like a permanent
working table of the actors involved or in the management of the species or in the areas where the species is present; it may be considered as a pilot model of institutional coordination for the development of initiatives at national level.

The table will be held periodically in various administrative offices of partners and experts of national and international fame will be invited to meet and update participants on the state of the art and innovations in the field of the project.

The workshops and meetings planned in the action necessary for the dissemination of the methods developed in the project, are directed to the main actors involved in the conservation of species and nature. There are 4 seminars, one for each year of the project, and a final workshop in which to prepare the continuation of the activities of the Network beyond the end of the project. One of the meetings is provided at the headquarters of the CBNB strategic for the dissemination and sharing of data arising from the implementation of actions for the same CBNB as well as the methods used to process them.

The action of networking is of great importance for the added value that provides part of the dissemination of the "action" in the field of conservation of species Critically Endangered (CR) as defined by the IUCN. During the meetings there will be guided tours essential for the detection in situ of the actual state of achievement for the conservation of the population of Z. sicula during the project implementation.

The action, coordinated by LA and carried out with the contribution of all partners, will be carried out in the last quarter of the year until the last quarter of last year.